
مشکل در نمایش  (۲ نوشته)

  • sma

    تعداد نوشته‌ها: ۹
    # نوشته شده: ۱۳ سال پیش
    ۱۱ بهمن ۱۳۸۹ - ۱۹:۱۱

    از دوستان خواهش میکنم کمک کنن
    من از این قالب استفاده میکنم http://themeforest.net/item/contrast/full_screen_preview/68089
    در قسمت portfolio این سایت که طراحی شده نمایش عکس ها رو ببینید به چه نحوی است
    من موفق نشدم که این کار را انجام بدهم
    این آدرس وبی است که به صورت ماکت دارم روش کار میکنم http://www.afsari.alipour.ws
    اگر لازم دونستین help document رو هم براتون بزارم

    توجه : قسمت portfoli رو در وبی که من روش کار می کنم به نام gallery می باشد

    احتیاج فوری دارم ممنونم دوستان

  • sma

    تعداد نوشته‌ها: ۹
    # نوشته شده: ۱۳ سال پیش
    ۱۱ بهمن ۱۳۸۹ - ۲۰:۱۸

    این هم help Document

    2) Creating the Categories & Subcategories
    You need to create some categories and pages to make the theme working. Go to the Categories page under the Posts tab, then add a new main category named Blog. Now, you need to create the subcategories under Blog category. Create the subcategories as you need and please don't forget to select Blog as Category Parent.
    Add a new main category named Portfolio as you did before. You need to create the subcategories under Portfolio category. Create the subcategories as you need and please don't forget to select Portfolio as Category Parent. After these steps, you should be have a category tree like below;
    » Blog
    » Sub Blog Category
    » News
    » Tutorials
    » Another Blog Category
    » Portfolio
    » Web
    » Graphics
    » Logo
    » Icon
    » Your Sub Portfolio Category
    While you are publishing your posts, you should select main and the sub category. For expamle, if you are publishing a portfolio post, select Portfolio category and the Subcategory of Portfolio category.
    After you create the Portfolio category, you need to enter the Cagetory ID into Contrast Settings under Appearance menu.
    3) Creating the Pages & Subpages
    Create the pages as you need, they will be automaticly added to your header / navigation. The pages should be added are (Recommended) listed below;
    » About
    » Who we are
    » What we do
    » Vision and mission
    » Services
    » Contact
    4) Social Icons
    You can use social icons at the bottom of your site. Go to Contrast Settings under Appearance then fill the inputs under Social Icon Settings. If you don't want to use them, just leave them blank.
    5) Homepage Background Settings
    You can use 1 of 5 background type at homepage. Just select the type under Contrast Settings, under Appearance and enter the background value as you need. Here are some example about how to use.
    1) None : Shows default body background.
    2) Color : Enter color code like CC0000, FFFFFF, 000000 etc. without sharp (#)
    3) Image : Enter the full path of image you want to use. Like, http://tavshan.com/demo/contrast/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/about_BG.jpg
    4) Video (flv) : Upload your Flash Video (flv) file into contrast/fla folder. Then just enter the name of this flv file like videoBG.flv
    5) Google Maps : Go to Google Maps Page, search the place you want to show, then click to the Link button at the top-right of the page. Then copy the src part of the iframe and use it as a value.
    6) Custom Theme Colors
    Go to Contrast Settings under Appearance, then fill the Theme Color Settings fields as you need. Enter the colors without using sharp (#)
    Example for a nice pink color combination.
    First Color : FF7FB
    Second Color : FF0072
    7) Setting the Blog pages show at most
    You need to modify blog pages show at most field as you need. Go to Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most then set it to 50.
    8) Using Backgrounds in Posts and Pages
    You can use 1 of 4 background type in your post or page. Use the custom fields as you need like the examples below while you are creating a new post or a page. If you don't want to use any background, just don't create them :) NOTICE: The examples below are case sensitive.
    Example for Color (Create 2 custom fields like below)
    name: BG_type
    value : color
    name: BG_value
    value : FFFFFF (Color code without using sharp)
    Example for Image (Create 2 custom fields like below)
    name: BG_type
    value : img
    name: BG_value
    value : http://tavshan.com/demo/contrast/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/about_BG.jpg (Full path of the image file)
    Example for Flash Video (flv) (Create 2 custom fields like below)
    name: BG_type
    value : flv
    name: BG_value
    value : videoBG.flv (Upload your flv file into the contrast/fla folder. Then just enter the name of this flv file)
    Example for Google Maps (Create 2 custom fields like below)
    name: BG_type
    value : map
    name: BG_value
    value : http://maps.google.com/maps...output=embed (Go to Google Maps Page, search the place you want to show, then click to the Link button at the top-right of the page. Then copy the src part of the iframe and use it as a value.)
    9) Setting Portfolio Images
    You need to add an extra custom key to your portfolio posts, to get them working.
    name: BG_image
    value : http://tavshan.com/demo/contrast/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/about_BG.jpg (Full path of the portfolio image)
    10) Using Lightbox in Posts
    While you are publishing a post, you need to add class="lightbox" to your link, which you use in your post and want to use as a lightbox item. NOTICE : Use max 460px width images in your content.
    <a class="lightbox" title="TITLE" href="http://.../IMAGE_FULL.jpg"><img src="http://.../IMAGE_THUMB.jpg" alt="ALTERNATE TEXT" /></a>
    11) Your Logo
    Logo is a 312px x 56px sized Transparent PNG file. Create your own 312px x 56px sized logo and rename it to logo.png, then upload it into images/001/ folder. If you want to change the position or size of the logo, edit css/001.css (line:86)
    12) Folder Permissions
    Permissions of the cache folder in theme folder, should be 777. It use this folder to create the thumb images.
    13) Suggestions for Best Usage
    1) Don't change the theme folder name.
    2) Create the categories as recommend.
    3) Use the custom theme colors related with your content.
    4) Don't use the Flash Video (flv) and the long contents at the same time.
    5) Use high width, but low size images at the background. (Save for web with %10 - %20 quality will be fine.)

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