من تفزونه all in one seo pack رو نصب کردم. توی این افزونه و همینطور توی تنظیمات خود سایت در مورد سایت توضیح نوشتم ولی بازم وقتی با سایت http://www.pearanalytics.com/ سایتم رو آنالیز می کنم خطای زیر رو میده:
Meta Description Not Found
What we found:
We didn't detect a meta description on the page. In the interest of success, add a meta description tag up to 150 characters to this page by placing the tag between the <head> and </head> such as this: <meta name="description" content="Put your description of the page here, ensuring it contains the keywords or phrases you would like to target." />
Effects on traffic:
The meta description tag is an element search engines use to help determine what the page is about. The tag also appears as your site description in search results, so writing your tag to appeal to human eyes can lead to increased clicks on your listing. You will notice that the search engine bolds the keywords you originally searched for in the description tag. If you do not have a description tag, Google will write one for you, and you really don't want that.
برای رفع مشکلش باید چیکار کنم.
در ضمن خطای زیر رو چطور باید رفع کنم؟
H1 Not Found
What we found:
We didn't find a header (h1 tag) on this page. It's simple: all you have to do is add an h1 tag to this page, which will tell the search engines what the page is about. You should try to place some key phrases in this tag by which you would like to be found.
Effects on traffic:
The h1 tag generally contains the theme of the page and is used by the search engines as one of the signals to tell them what the page is about.
نشانی سایت: http://www.appleshop.ir