* !LesPaul WordPress Theme
* Author: WebMan - http://www.webmandesign.eu
* http://www.webmandesign.eu
* Translation / Localization
* The theme splits translation into 4 sections:
* 1) website front-end
* 2) main WordPress admin extensions (like post metaboxes)
* 3) theme's contextual help texts
* 4) theme admin panel (accessed by administrators only)
* You can find all theme translation .PO files (and place translated .MO files) in "lespaul/langs/" folder and subsequent subfolders.
* Theme uses these textdomains:
* 1) lespaul_domain
* 2) lespaul_domain_adm
* 3) lespaul_domain_help
* 4) lespaul_domain_panel
//Getting theme data
$shortname = get_template();
//WP 3.4+ only
$themeData = wp_get_theme( $shortname );
$themeName = $themeData->Name;
$themeVersion = $themeData->Version;
$pageTemplates = wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates();
if( ! $themeVersion )
$themeVersion = '';
$options = $options_ei = $widgetAreas = array();
$shortname = str_replace( '-v' . $themeVersion, '', $shortname );
//Theme constants
//Basic constants
define( 'WM_THEME_NAME', $themeName );
define( 'WM_THEME_SHORTNAME', $shortname );
define( 'WM_THEME_VERSION', $themeVersion );
define( 'WM_THEME_SETTINGS_PREFIX', 'wm-' );
define( 'WM_THEME_SETTINGS_META', '_' . WM_THEME_SETTINGS_PREFIX . 'meta' ); //underscore makes them hidden
define( 'WM_ADMIN_LIST_THUMB', '64x64' ); //thumbnail size (width x height) on post/page/custom post listings
define( 'WM_CSS_EXPIRATION', ( WP_DEBUG || 2 > intval( get_option( WM_THEME_SETTINGS . '-installed' ) ) ) ? ( 30 ) : ( 1209600 ) ); //60sec * 60min * 24hours * 14days
define( 'WM_DEFAULT_EXCERPT_LENGTH', 40 ); //words count
define( 'WM_SCRIPTS_VERSION', 20131213 );
define( 'WM_TWITTER_CACHE_EXPIRATION', 900 ); //60sec * 15min
define( 'WM_WP_COMPATIBILITY', 3.5 );
define( 'WM_CLASSES', get_template_directory() . '/library/classes/' );
define( 'WM_CUSTOMS', get_template_directory() . '/library/custom-posts/' );
define( 'WM_FONT', get_template_directory() . '/assets/font/' );
define( 'WM_HELP', get_template_directory() . '/library/help/' );
define( 'WM_LANGUAGES', get_template_directory() . '/langs' );
define( 'WM_LIBRARY', get_template_directory() . '/library/' );
define( 'WM_META', get_template_directory() . '/library/meta/' );
define( 'WM_OPTIONS', get_template_directory() . '/library/options/' );
define( 'WM_PRESETS', get_template_directory() . '/option-presets/' );
define( 'WM_SHORTCODES', get_template_directory() . '/library/shortcodes/' );
define( 'WM_SKINS', get_template_directory() . '/assets/css/skins/' );
define( 'WM_STYLES', get_template_directory() . '/library/styles/' );
define( 'WM_WIDGETS', get_template_directory() . '/library/widgets/' );
define( 'WM_ASSETS_THEME', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/' );
define( 'WM_ASSETS_ADMIN', get_template_directory_uri() . '/library/assets/' );
//Theme layout constants
//"left", "right", "none"
define( 'WM_SIDEBAR_FALLBACK', 'default' ); //fallback sidebar ID
define( 'WM_SIDEBAR_DEFAULT_POSITION', 'right' );
define( 'WM_SIDEBAR_WIDTH', ' three pane; nine pane' );
//text color switcher treshold
define( 'WM_COLOR_TRESHOLD', 140 );
//default logo size
define( 'WM_DEFAULT_LOGO_SIZE', '218,38' );
define( 'WM_MSG_ACCESS_DENIED', apply_filters( 'wmhook_access_denied_html', '<article class="main twelve pane">[box color="red" icon="warning"]' . __( 'You do not have sufficient rights to display this page.', 'lespaul_domain' ) . '[/box]</article>' ) );
define( 'WM_ONLINE_MANUAL_URL', 'http://www.webmandesign.eu/manual/' . $shortname . '/' );
//Global variables
//Custom post WordPress admin menu position
if ( ! isset( $cpMenuPosition ) )
$cpMenuPosition = array(
'projects' => 30,
'logos' => 33,
'content-modules' => 39,
'faq' => 42,
'prices' => 45,
'staff' => 48
//Get theme options
$themeOptions = get_option( WM_THEME_SETTINGS );
//Available social icons
$socialIconsArray = array( 'Behance', 'Blogger', 'Delicious', 'DeviantART', 'Digg', 'Dribbble', 'Facebook', 'Flickr', 'Forrst', 'GitHub', 'Google+', 'Instagram', 'LinkedIn', 'MySpace', 'Pinterest', 'Reddit', 'RSS', 'Skype', 'SoundCloud', 'StumbleUpon', 'Tumblr', 'Twitter', 'Vimeo', 'WordPress', 'YouTube' );
//Skin attributes
$skinAttsStatic = array(
'package' => 'Package',
'skin' => 'Skin',
'description' => 'Description',
'version' => 'Version',
'author' => 'Author',
'font-primary-tags' => 'Font primary elements',
'font-secondary-tags' => 'Font secondary elements',
'border-toppanel' => 'Top panel bordered',
'border-header' => 'Header bordered',
'border-navigation' => 'Navigation bordered',
'border-slider' => 'Slider bordered',
'border-mainheading' => 'Main heading bordered',
'border-pageexcerpt' => 'Page excerpt bordered',
'border-content' => 'Content bordered',
'border-abovefooter' => 'Above footer bordered',
'border-breadcrumbs' => 'Breadcrumbs bordered',
'border-footer' => 'Footer bordered',
'border-bottom' => 'Bottom bordered',
//Global functions
require_once( WM_LIBRARY . 'core.php' );
//Theme settings
require_once( WM_LIBRARY . 'setup.php' );
//Admin functions
require_once( WM_LIBRARY . 'admin.php' );