من ادرس جدید به سایتم اضافه کردم اما نمیتونم ادرس منتقل کنم تا عکس ها باز بشن با ادرس جدید
از افزونه Velvet Blues Update URLs استفاده کردم
اما این ارور رو داد
ERROR: Something may have gone wrong.
Your URLs have not been updated.
0 Content Items (Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Revisions)
Why do the results show 0 URLs updated?
This happens if a URL is incorrect OR if it is not found in the content. Check your URLs and try again.
Want us to do it for you?
Contact us at info@velvetblues.com. We will backup your website and move it for $65 OR simply update your URLs for only $29