
افزونه شمارنده تعداد بازدید از هر پست برای ادمین  (۲ نوشته)

  • gheysar

    تعداد نوشته‌ها: ۱
    # نوشته شده: ۱۳ سال پیش
    ۱۰ مرداد ۱۳۸۹ - ۱۲:۱۳

    یه افزونه میخام برای قسمت مدیریت که یه آماری از تعداد دفعاتی که از هر پست بازدید شده بده

  • babakrz

    تعداد نوشته‌ها: ۳۲
    تشکر شده: ۳۶ بار
    # نوشته شده: ۱۳ سال پیش
    ۱۰ مرداد ۱۳۸۹ - ۱۵:۵۹

    فکر میکنم wp-postviews-plus به دردتون بخوره.
    لینک صفحه اصلی:

    این هم توابعی که داره:

    Function Reference

    the_views('Views', true)
    The views of post.
    1st value: the world after views number.
    2nd value: is output(true for output, false for return number)

    the_user_views(' User Views', true)
    The views of post by user.
    1st value: the world after views number.
    2nd value: is output(true for output, false for return number)

    the_bot_views(' Bot Views', true)
    The views of post by bot.
    1st value: the world after views number.
    2nd value: is output(true for output, false for return number)

    get_most_viewed('', 10, 0 , true , true)
    The most views posts. return the string of list start by

  • and end by
  • .
    1st value: type of post('post' for post, 'page' for page, '' for both)
    2nd value: the number of post you what to get
    3th value: the words of title(0 for no limit)
    4th value: is output(true for output, false for return string)
    5th value: is include bot views(true for include, false for uninclude)

    get_most_viewed_category(1, '', 10, 0, true, true)
    The most views posts in catrgory. return the string of list start by

  • and end by
  • . (After Version 1.1.0)
    1st value: the category ID(It can be a single ID or an array of ID) (set 'auto', it use the category of the post (After Version 1.1.5) )
    2nd value: type of post('post' for post, 'page' for page, '' for both)
    3nd value: the number of post you what to get
    4th value: the words of title(0 for no limit)
    5th value: is output(true for output, false for return string)
    6th value: is include bot views(true for include, false for uninclude)

    get_timespan_most_viewed('', 10, 7, true, true, 0)
    The most views posts of posted in recent several days. return the string of list start by

  • and end by
  • .
    1st value: type of post('post' for post, 'page' for page, '' for both)
    2nd value: the number of post you what to get
    3th value: the days for seach
    4th value: is output(true for output, false for return string)
    5th value: is include bot views(true for include, false for uninclude)
    6th value: the words of title(0 for no limit)

    get_timespan_most_viewed_cat(1, '', 10, 7, true, true, 0)
    The most views posts in catrgory of posted in recent several days. return the string of list start by

  • and end by
  • . (After Version 1.1.0)
    1st value: the category ID(It can be a single ID or an array of ID) (set 'auto', it use the category of the post (After Version 1.1.5) )
    2nd value: type of post('post' for post, 'page' for page, '' for both)
    3th value: the number of post you what to get
    4th value: the days for seach
    5th value: is output(true for output, false for return string)
    6th value: is include bot views(true for include, false for uninclude)
    7th value: the words of title(0 for no limit)

    get_totalviews(true, true, true)
    Total views number
    1st value: is output(true for output, false for return string)
    2nd value: is include bot views(true for include, false for uninclude)
    3th value: is include the post views of not by "post" or "page"(true for include, false for uninclude)

کاربران زیر به‌خاطر این نوشته تشکر کرده‌اند:
balochkhan - Omid Sh
  • درباره‌ی این موضوع


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