من این افزونه رو نصب کردم
بعدش فعالش کردم
تو قسمت read me این افزونه نوشته یه صفحه ایجاد کنید و...
سر دار نیاوردم
این هم از متن
1---Create a new WordPress Page(not Post). The Page will behave as usual, you can add text, images, etc. that will be above the form.
2.----- After publishing the Page, go to "Manage Pages" and note the Page's ID.
3. -----Upload the scf2-contact-form folder to the plugins directory and activate the plugin.
4. ----Go to "Comments - Contact Messages" and enter the ID for the Page you just created (required), and any other options you want to change in the "Form Options" section.
خواهش میکنم کمکم کنید
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